
Friday, July 26, 2019

Draw their Veils over Their Bosoms Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Draw their Veils over Their Bosoms - Essay Example Though Muslim women are not this secluded in the modern life, they have to seclude themselves from head to toe. This document shows the religious beliefs of Islamic people. Though there is nowhere in the Quran where it is indicated that women should be secluded from head to toe, women are expected to do so. This shows in a way that women are discriminated against and there are activities that men undertake but women are not expected to follow suit. However, it also shows that Islamic people value their religion. They had to follow in the footsteps of Prophet Muhammad. The article has had an impact on the lives of Muslim women today. It is quite difficult to find an Islamic women walking around exposing themselves (Duiker & Spielvogel, 2009). There are instances where these Muslim women wear veils that only leave a space for their eyes especially. This mostly happens to the not yet married ones. Moreover, Islamic women do not interact with the male gender unless in it is very important. They are only allowed to interact freely with their

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