
Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Reflection Essay

Matthews (2004) explains that reflection is an important tool for clinical development. Rolfe (2011) provides the argument that reflection is just as important and works alongside evidence based practice. Schon (1991) cited in Howatson-Jones (2011) describes the link between professionals reflecting in and on action and how this leads to increased efficiency in working through problems and issues. In order to adhere to the objectives governing nurses and midwives, through the NMC Code of Conduct (2008), the names and service providers mentioned within this discussion have been replaced by a pseudonym. This discussion with utilise Gibbs’ model of reflection as it provides simple headings within which thoughts and feelings can be collated effectively. Also Gibbs provides a section for which to plan for further or future action which is an important part of reflecting. Gibbs’ model differs from other simpler models such as Borton’s REFERENCE in that it offers that final stage on what to do with reflective ideas in order to formulate an action plan for future events. Description George Wilson, an 80 year old gentleman with Parkinson’s, was admitted in the early hours of the morning onto my placement area. While my mentor observed I began to assess George using an ABCDE approach, whilst the nurse transporting him handed over his notes and care plan. It became apparent that his medication was not properly prescribed. Parkinson’s medication is a very important aspect of treatment and must be given on time everyday. Parkinson’s disease is a neurodegenerative condition which affects the production of dopamine in the brain stem causing motor and cognitive mpairments. (Mattox, et al. , 2001) Evidence suggests that the impacts of missed, incorrect or delayed doses affects the Parkinson’s patient greatly. Leopold et al, (2004) state that it can result in lowered mobility including swallowing and can put them at risk of falls. Another issue was that in the move some of George’s medication had been misplaced. In order to be given his medication in the morning on time it would need to be prescribed correctly and retrieved from pharmacy.

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