
Friday, August 9, 2019

Body Image & the Media Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Body Image & the Media - Essay Example The perception by the media resulted to mental disorder, which are expressed by the way individuals behave, express and respect themselves. Media, therefore, have the tendency of creating new cultural beliefs and behavior in the society. Appearance is sometimes deceptive. The author demonstrates bluntly the major factor that influences the perception of individual appearance and the acceptable and modest body size. Since 1950s, advertisement and television programs have created a dramatic impact on the American society in terms of mode of dressing and insight regarding the humanity. In this perceptive, the influence of the media destroyed various cultures in the society and eschewing a new culture with its own perception, social constructed roles and behavior of individuals based on their gender or sex. The article identified that for decades, the American society has been bombarded with media driven depictions. The major concept that drives the depiction is what constitutes as the acceptable female behavior and characteristic as well as male desired traits and behaviors. Media have great influence on the mental image of females as a thin body image as depicted by the fashion models. There is accentuation on the mer its and attractiveness of large breast. In males, media altered the accepted image of a male to a tall, slender and masculine body. The impacts of media on the American society have generated an intriguing argument by various scholars and authorities. Parents, cultural critics and medical authority for decades have criticized the marketing ability of media on the perception of human being and mental health of the American society. In this perspective, the socio-cultural standards of feminine beauty have been presented in all manners of media demonstrating women with image that is considered as being the ideal body. Media creates a flaw mental image assimilated by media-driven culture. The images used for

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